Millions Of Shoppers Can’t Wait To See
What You Have In Store

Join a marketplace where nearly 50 million buyers around
the world shop for unique items


Affordable, transparent, and secure

It doesn’t cost a thing to list up to 50 items a month, and you only pay after your stuff sells.
It’s just a small percent of the money you earn

Here's what you get for your fee:

  • A worldwide community of more than 160 million shoppers.
  • Shipping labels you can print at home, with big discounts on postage.
  • Seller protection and customer support to help you sell your stuff.
We process payments with PayPal, an external payments platform that allows you to process transactions with a variety of payment methods. Funds from PayPal sales on Martfury will be deposited into your PayPal account.


Here are some common questions about selling on Martfury

Still have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

It's time to start making money.

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